Tuesday, June 5, 2012

@MidaZ The Beast promotes The Daylight Nightlight EP's

Bloggerhouse Intro A capella
Several seasons ago, Doxside Music Group released it's first official mixtape, Dare Iz A Doxside, in collaboration with the good people at Bloggerhouse.net. A slew of fans and listeners made it obvious that the first song, "Bloggerhouse Intro" is a favorite and standout song from the compilation. MidaZ the Beast decided to give those people a slower and a capella performance of his verse.You just might catch some cleverness you didn't the first time around.

Need new music from MidaZ the Beast? Check out The Daylight/Nightlight EP's by IMAKEMADBEATS f. Butta Verses and MidaZ the Beast. It's available NOW on iTunesAmazonGoogle Play, and at DoxsideShop.com

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